
What Do You Mean It Won’t Satisfy?

After leaving my first job this morning, I began thinking about last night. I pondered how I just couldn't wait to meet him [my future husband], to know who he was. "If I knew, if I could finally meet him, things will be better. The longing would go away." Let's be honest though. Would it really? What do you crave? What do you long for? When you get them, how long afterwards are you satisfied?

Epiphanies, Spiritual Growth

Finding Satisfaction and Wholeness

Alright, so I have a confession to make: The last few days, all I have wanted is a guy in my life. And not just any guy... I mean my future guy. You know, the ONE. The one I'm eventually going to marry and be with the rest of my life... But sadly, God has… Continue reading Finding Satisfaction and Wholeness