
“…But Before Long…”

"It was during those dark days... the ones after he messed up, the ones after he was taken advantage of... that God's redemption and healing began to take place. And notice, it was slow. It wasn't overnight like God's work in our lives sometimes can be. It was slow and it was subtle." ...


25 and a Virgin: Why I Am Waiting

Ha, this is going to be interesting. I haven't tackled this kind of subject in, well, ever. This whole post is a bit terrifying to talk about, mostly because I worry I won't make sense as my thoughts are a bit scattered and/or that I will sound like a silly, prude, and brittle Christian female… Continue reading 25 and a Virgin: Why I Am Waiting

Purity, Spiritual Growth

Words and Meditations of My Heart

(beware: may be filled with scattered thoughts) Psalm 19:14 "May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to You, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer." I can't tell you how many times I've read this passage (yet I still had to google it to figure out the reference)… Continue reading Words and Meditations of My Heart